12th December 2023
Title: The Spark of Change
Inspired by the increasing number of children trapped in the criminal justice system, a group of passionate advocates for children’s rights realized the urgent need for change. Witnessing firsthand the detrimental impact of incarceration on young lives, they envisioned a world where every child enjoys freedom, education, and a safe home.
22th Februari 2024
Title: Building the Foundation
The first step towards this vision was to assemble a dedicated board. Experts in law, education, social work, and child psychology came together, bringing diverse perspectives and expertise. Their shared mission: to safeguard the rights of every child and prevent unnecessary imprisonment.
13th May 2024
Title: Legal Allies
Recognizing the critical role of legal representation, the foundation reached out to renowned law firms. Partnerships were formed with firms willing to provide services, ensuring that children received top-notch legal defense to challenge their unjust incarcerations.
24th June 2024
Title: Voices from Within
Board members and volunteers visited juvenile detention centers, engaging directly with the children. These visits revealed heartbreaking stories of lost childhoods and unmet potential. The foundation documented these experiences to advocate for systemic changes and raise public awareness.